Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Top Choices For Blooming Trees For Your Yard

Best Flowering Trees For Your Yard

Designing a perfect landscape with all the elements, plants and trees in harmony is often a tricky task to accomplish. However, with the right kind of plants and trees you can achieve the desired effect. Nothing can beat the beauty of flowering trees and you can grow them to add color and texture to your yard.
Flowering trees come in many varieties that bloom in different seasons. Most of them are spring flowering however; there are certain varieties that bear beautiful flowers even in summer and fall season. It is important to plan the landscape efficiently and grow the right kind of trees for all season interest. This will ensure that your garden remains lively and colorful throughout the year.
Some of the most wonderful flowering trees that you can consider growing in your garden are-
Flowering Dogwood- Dogwood comes in many varieties that bear white, pink or red colored flowers during spring season. Red, White and Pink Dogwood are the most popular ornamental varieties that are used extensively for landscaping. These trees are also known for their distinct and colorful fall foliage that adds an altogether different element to the landscape. It is an adaptable, fast growing tree that can reach up to 25 feet of height upon maturity. You can plant them in full sun or even in partial shade.
Redbud- This is another wonderful flowering tree that bears tiny pink colored flowers during the spring season. Redbud is very adaptable and can be grown in a variety of soils. This tree is very strong and can tolerate heavy winds and storms. You can grow them in dry and windy areas of your garden.
Empress Tree- It is also known as Princess tree and it grows pretty fast. The tree is loved by gardeners for its lavender colored flowers that have a pleasing scent. It is very hardy and can tolerate dry and drought conditions. You can grow them for shade or even for their sheer beauty. This tree is relatively easy to grow and you can easily transplant it in your garden.
Kwanzan Cherry- Kwanzan Cherry is one of the most extensively used flowering trees. It produces dainty pink colored flowers. The flowers are double and the tree appears fuller and denser when in full bloom. It is also known for its beautiful reddish berries and orange fall foliage. This can be an amazing addition to your landscape and it is a tree that can provide interest in many seasons.
Apart from all these flowering trees, you can consider growing Mimosa, Bradford Pear, Cleveland Pear, Yoshino Cherry, Flowering Crabapple and Weeping Cherry. All these are known for their brilliant colors. For Quality Garden Plants  Visit Tn Nursery .